DRG at AACC: Foreign Languages

Dec 22, 2016Events

As a worldwide leader in diagnostics with several locations spanning the globe, DRG is proud to have a diverse, multilingual staff. We sat down with the top executives and staff of DRG at the 2016 AACC Annual Meeting and asked each of them about the languages they speak.


Wilhelm Saenger (full profile)
Although I speak only one language, and that is a little bit worse, yeah, one you can hear. It’s only English, just English, yeah. Of course, I can go to a Italian restaurant or a Spanish restaurant and I can order my food, but that’s it.

Michael Martini (full profile)
A Little español.

Dr. Witold Jurkiewicz (full profile)
Yes, I am happy to be fluent in Russian, Polish, and English.

Simon Middleton:
I speak Italian and some Spanish and very small French.

Oleg Vishnevski:
Oh yes. I speak Ukrainian, Russian, I understand Polish language, so that’s about it.

Dr. Cyril E. Geacintov (full profile)
Well, of course, I do. I grew up in France speaking Russian from my parents and French. Then during World War II, I ended up in Germany. I learned German within an easy, I’d say, four to six months. English I learned originally in 1945 when in Linz where we lived, the American army occupied that portion of Austria. Then I learned going to Saudi Arabia and Dubai and to Egypt, I decided to learn Arabic. Doing business, a lot of it in Poland and in Yugoslavia, I did learn passable speaking, understanding, actually, of Polish and Spanish also, so I’m multi-lingual, definitely.


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